
英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


Today is very hap­py because it’s not go to school.I study Eng­lish and clean my bedroom.It very tired.

I am very hap­py today because I don’t have to go to school. I stud­ied Eng­lish and cleaned my bed­room. It’s very tiring.
1. 第一句be­cause後面妳說it’s not go to school,除了又重複動詞之外,是妳不用上課還是妳家小狗不用上課?主詞用it妳發現哪裡怪了嗎?
3. 最後一句It was very tir­ing. 是說做這些事很累人,妳原本的It very tired沒有動詞,
4. tired 疲累的 (通常用來形容人)
She is tired of her job.
This work makes me tired. 
5. tir­ing 令人感到疲累的 (形容事物)
This is a tir­ing work. (o)
This is a tired work. (x)

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