
英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


  • I’m very happy,because can see my friends .And there are many new stu­dents in my class .I can exer­cis­es music.And join the music club. There are two new class­mates in the Clar­inet. We are very happy.

REPLY11. 主題不明顯,應該用The school starts, I am very hap­py because I can see my friends. 

2. 練習樂器prac­tice play­ing the musi­cal instru­ment in the musi­cal club.

3. 豎笛隊應該用team


  • The school starts, I am very hap­py because I can see my friends. There are many new stu­dents in my calss this semes­ter. I can prac­tice play­ing the musi­cal instru­ment in the musi­cal club. And there are two new class­mates in the clar­inet team. We are very happy.

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