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  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    bet­ty   Today is August twen­ti­eth and very hot day.In the mor­nung Ruby and I lis­ten to music.In the after­noon we eat cook­ies drink lemon­tea and go to math class. I’m have a hap­py&nb […]…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    Bet­ty   Today I was very hap­py because is not went to school.I so glad.I and Ruby were play with dog.I stud­ied English.My sis­ter was very angry .I was not know answer. Today I…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    Ruby   Today is Tuesday.I am very happy,Because I am not go to school and I can play with the pup­py. So,today is very happy. Today is Tues­day. I am very hap­py because I don’t ha […]…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    bet­ty   Today my fam­i­ly went to restau­rant on the Father’s Day.We ate cabbage,rice,tofu and soup. It’s very good.I and Ruby stud­ied English.Today was very happy. Today I went to a […]…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    Ruby Today is very happy.Becuse the Moon Fes­ti­val, we are shoot off fire­works and eat pome­los. Every­body can relax and enjoy the joy of a reunion. So,I very excit­ed on Moon Festiv […]…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    Sarah This Fri­day to Sun­day, I told the aunt. Cousin. Father. Moth­er and broth­er togeth­er to Taitung to find a very small peri­od of aunt I now look for­ward to the arrival Friday. I…

  • 英文寫作修改 - 線上英文學習家教


    原文: Ice Cream acts a love-brige roll dur­ing my par­ents and me; it sym­bols some­thing changes bet­ter. Today I was encour­aged from my Mom about my hand-made busi­ness after invit­ing […]…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    bet­ty   Today is very hap­py because it’s not go to school.I study Eng­lish and clean my bedroom.It very tired. 原句應改為 I am very hap­py today because I don’t have to go to school. […]…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    Sarah   Gina says that he did­n’t came an Eng­lish lan­guage class yes­ter­day. So had no time to get along with him. 原句應改為 Gina said that she won’t come to the Eng­lish class any­ […]…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    Ruby Today is Wednesday. we are study Eng­lish list­ed music and play com­put­er game. So,today is fine. 好,第二句又重複動詞了喔!!而且要注意拼字的部分,還有時態!!所以第二句應改成We stud­ied Eng­lish, lis­tened to music, […]…