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  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    Ruby   The school start,I am very hap­py because I can read the book in the library,and I can do a lot of things that I like. But,I don’t like home­work or prac­tice musi­cal instru­ment.&nb…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    bet­tyt­sai   I’m very happy,because can see my friends .And there are many new stu­dents in my class .I can exer­cis­es music.And join the music club. There are two new class­mates in the Clar­i…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    bet­tyt­sai The weater is cold,because the win­ter is come.November,December and Jan­u­ary are in the winter.I like Christ­mas Day in December,because I have gifts.And I also like Chi­nese New Year in […]…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    Ruby   The win­ter is come.The wind also blew hard and made the win­dows sound scary.And I don’t like win­ter because is very cool. I usu­al­ly catch a cold on cold days.But,it is very com­f…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    bet­tyt­sai My fam­i­ly have grandma,dad,mom,sister and I.Are five people.But the two dogs are also my family.My dad is a man­ag­er and my mom is a clear.Sister and I are students.She is six grade.I a…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    Ruby   There are three peo­ple in my family;my father,my moth­er and I. I am the only child in my family.In my fam­i­ly, I love my moth­er best.And I love my pup­py best because Dad and…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    Sun­ny   Hello!My name’s Sunny.I’m from Tai­wan. Tai­wan is a beau­ti­ful coun­try. And the poe­ple is very nice.Chien-Ming Wang is from Taiwan,too.He’s a good pitcher,and he’s my favor […]…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    Ruby   My name is Ruby.I am thir­teen years old.I am a girl.I am from Taiwan.My hob­by is play­ing bas­ket­ball and badminton.I am inter­est­ed in read­ing novel.I like a peace and qui­et place.I […]…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    bet­ty   The sum­mer vaca­tion is spend. I will go to junior high school tomorrow.It’s lot of textbooks.I review the Chinese,Math and English.It’s very besy.Also My father and I go to bookst […]…

  • 英文寫作-Why write 如何寫| 葉安娜線上學習成人美語一對一家教 Ana Yeh English


    Ruby   Today is Thursay.It is very hot. I and Bet­ty play bas­ket­ball in the morn­ing. Game mach the win­ner is me. So,today we are play­ing bas­ket­ball very hap­py and hope to play n […]…