遇到怕麻煩的人,或是雞婆愛管閒事的人,這個句型都超好用的喔!例如有人提出要幫忙,但是你只想要一個人清靜清靜,你可以說:All you have to do is to leave me alone. 你所要做的只是讓我一個人獨處。或是你要請一個人把車子移開,但對方囉哩八嗦老大不願意,你就可以說:All you have to do is to move your car! Why is it so […]…
電話用語跟一般日常生活對話稍稍有一些不同喔!尤其是要說自己是誰的時候,要說This is 某某某,而不是 I am 某某某喔! 你好,我是葉安娜美語的Ana。 Hello, this is Ana from Ana Yeh English. 請問大衛在嗎? May I speak to David, please? 我就是大衛。 This is he. Speaki […]…
跟want to相較起來,would like to雖是意思相同的用法,但是卻是比較謙遜有禮貌的句型喔!在英文的使用上,也是有適合正式場合上使用的字句,大家不妨多留意喔!…
國外看醫生 I have…(其一) I have a fever. 我發燒 I have a stomachache. 我胃痛 I have a headache. 我頭痛 I have a toothache. 我牙痛 I have a cold sweat. 我冒冷汗 I have a sore throat.…
the last thing (最不樂見的) It is the last thing I want to go through in the morning. (這是我一大早最不想遇到的事了) He is the last person I want to see. (他是我最不想看到的人了)…
阿甘正傳 Forrest Gump Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力。你永遠也不會知道你將拿到什麼。…
Something’s wrong with…(…有點不太對勁) Something’s wrong with my computer. (我的電腦有點不太對勁) Something must be wrong. (一定哪裡出了問題)…
Are you sure…? (你確定…嗎?) Are you sure you know how to get there? (你確定你知道怎麼到那裡嗎?) Are you sure you won’t join us for lunch? (你確定不跟我們一起吃午餐嗎?)…
Shall we…? 我們來…吧! Shall we dance? 我們來跳舞吧? Shall we take the taxi? 我們搭計程車吧? Shall we start now? 我們開始吧?…
招呼語 Nice to meet you. (很高興認識你) Very nice to see you again. (很高興再次見到你) How do you do? (幸會幸會)…