口說單元 1《看電影》

an action movie(動作片)
an adven­ture movie(冒險片)
animation/ an ani­mat­ed movie(動畫片)
a fam­i­ly movie(家庭片)
a comedy(喜劇片)
a doc­u­men­tary film(紀錄片)
a drama(劇情片)
a fantasy(奇幻片)
a hor­ror movie(恐怖片)
a musical(音樂片)
a mystery(推理片)
a romance(愛情片)
a sci­ence fiction(科幻片)
a thriller(驚悚片)
a war movie(戰爭片)
an epic(史詩片)
a his­tor­i­cal movie(歷史片)
a west­ern movie(西部片)

Movie Rat­ing Sys­tem 美國電影分級制:

G : Gen­er­al Audi­ences — All ages permitted普遍級,適合所有年齡
PG : Parental Guid­ance Suggested–Some mate­r­i­al may not be suit­able for children.保護級,建議父母陪同觀看指導﹙有些內容兒童不宜﹚
PG-13 : Par­ents Strong­ly Cau­tioned — Some mate­r­i­al may be inap­pro­pri­ate for chil­dren under 13.
R : Restrict­ed — Under 17 requires accom­pa­ny­ing par­ent or adult guardian
NC-17 : No One 17 and Under admit­ted —情色或暴力電影,17歲以下不得觀賞

What kind of movies do you like? (你喜歡哪一種電影?)
→ I like come­dies. (我喜歡喜劇片)
→ I like sci­ence fic­tion movies. (我喜歡科幻片)

What’s your favorite movie? (你最喜歡哪一部片?)
→ My favorite is “The Shaw­shank Redemp­tion”. (我最喜歡的是刺激1995)
→ “Shrek” is my favorite. (我最喜歡史瑞克)
→ It’s “The Texas Chain­saw Mas­sacre”.  (是德州電鋸殺人狂)

What’s the main idea of the movie? / What hap­penes in the movie? / What is the movie about? (那電影在說什麼?/ 是怎樣的故事?)
→ It is about a mouse which is good at cook­ing and a boy work­ing in a restau­rant who can’t cook. One day, the boy met the mouse, and the mouse helped the boy cook­ing. (是關於一隻很會做菜老鼠和一個不會做菜卻在餐廳工作的男孩,有一天男孩遇見了老鼠,那老鼠就幫那男還做菜…)

How often do you go to the movies? (你多久看一次電影?)
→ About once a week. (大約一週一次)
→ Twice a month. (一個月兩次)
→ I go every week. (我每個星期都看)

Who are the main char­ac­ters in the movie?(這部片主角是誰?)
→ Hugh Grant and Renee Zell­weger. (休葛蘭和芮妮齊薇格)

Who is your favorite actor? (你最喜歡的男演員是誰?)
→ Tom Cruise. (湯姆克魯斯)

Who is your favorite actress? (你最喜歡的女演員是誰?)
→ Michelle Yeoh (楊紫瓊)

What do you like the most about the movie? (你最喜歡這個電影的哪個部份?)
→ When they final­ly found out they love each oth­er and decid­ed to spend the rest of their lives with each other…that is so touch­ing! (當他們終於發現他們彼此相愛而決定要共度一生…實在是太感人了!!)

What kind of movie don’t you like? (你不喜歡哪種電影?)
→ I can’t stand hor­ror movies. (我受不了恐怖片)
→ I don’t like his­tor­i­cal movies. (我不喜歡歷史片)

Why do you like action movies? (你為什麼喜歡動作片?)
→ Because they are excit­ing. (因為很刺激)


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